Archive: Fri Mar 2013

  1. The Hardest Jobs To Get In Campaigning

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    Last month, we surveyed potential candidates who are working in the campaigning sector – you may well have taken part in it.

    We asked them which area of work their organisation focussed on and what type of organisation would they ideally like to work for next.

    Most popular type of organisation for their next role:

    1 International development/justice

    2 Social justice

    3 Human Rights

    4 Social welfare

    5 Health

    6 Environment

    7 Housing/homelessness

    8 Disability

    9 Other

    10 Animal welfare/Animal rights

    But perhaps more interesting, is assessing where people are working at the moment and where they want to go next – this brings in a bit of supply and demand, which
    shows which areas of campaigning are the most competitive to get into currently:

    Most competitive areas:

    1 Human Rights

    2 Social welfare

    3 Housing/homelessness

    4 Social justice

    5 International development/justice

    6 Environment

    7 Animal welfare/Animal rights

    8 Disability

    9 Other

    10 Health

    I’m surprised that Health has come so low down in terms of competitiveness, but I guess there a lot of campaigns working in this area. Human Rights being top is not a surprise. When we ask candidates where they want to work, top of the tree is human rights and international development. More people want to work international development than Human Rights, but as there are more jobs in development, then this make human rights more competitive.

    I hope this is a useful guide for you and may explain why you may find some job hunting harder than others.