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Guides – Campaigning

A Journey to Change

This guide is designed by Macmillan Cancer Support to steer you through the process of campaigning. They’ll give you their insider knowledge, helpful hints and all the support you need to make your campaign a success. Click here for more information


Effective Campaigning

Tips on good practice in campaigning. The Campaigning Effectiveness team at NCVO have produced this guide, with lots of tips about campaigning. Click here for more information


Campaigning Is Ok

A guide for campaigners, community groups, voluntary organisations and support providers.
Click here for more information


Inspiring Supporter Action

Considers the why, when and how to mobilise supporters into action looking in detail at recruiting supporters, sustaining activism, empowering the grass roots and addressing some of the challenges and risks. Click here for more information


Beneficiary Voice in campaigning

How to fully involve beneficiaries in all stages of a campaign from: selecting the issue, deciding how the campaign should be implemented, involved in the delivery and have the power to hold the campaign to account. Click here for more information


Understanding power to achieve social change

To bring about social change you need to understand power. Written by Ruth Mayne and Jim Coe (Is your campaign making a difference?) this pdf guide investigates the nature of power and how change happens through contemporary theory, case study examples and implications for strategic development in the voluntary and community sector. Click here for more information


Involving People That Matter

Explores why participation is important in campaigning and policy work, what it involves, and some of the key principles for good participation. A list of further reading is also included.
Click here for more information


Campaigning In Collaboration

Campaigning is about making an impact. For many campaigns the most effective way to achieve this impact is by campaigning in collaboration. Through sharing practical lessons drawn from the real experiences of voluntary organisations campaigning together, Campaigning in Collaboration aims to promote effective ways of working collaboratively to achieve lasting change.
Click here for more information


Voicing Your Right To Know

This new guide illustrates how the Freedom of Information Act has been used as a powerful and versatile campaigning tool from the local to the national level. Its findings show how campaigners are at the forefront of developing our ‘right to know’, making government more transparent.
Click here for more information


Using Freedom of Information (and EIR) powers in campaigning

Presentation at the NCVO Campaigns Conference by Simon Birkett, founder and director of Clean Air London. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a very important campaigning tool for his organisation. Click here for more information


Freedom of Information Guide

NCVO have developed a new guide to using Freedom of Information (FOI) in campaigning. Through several in-depth case studies and a survey of the voluntary sector, the guide illustrates how FOI can be used as a powerful and versatile campaigning tool – to transform a campaign in its content and reach. It shows how campaigners are at the forefront of campaigning with our ‘right to know’.
Click here for more information


Theory of change – Learning from the United States

This new guide follows the step by step process outlining the approach in different stages and draws out the key implications for UK campaigners. It challenges campaigners to develop clear aims and strategies, to question how change occurs, the relationship between campaign stages and activities, as well as to make explicit the assumptions often implicit within campaigning. Click here for more information


Meaningful and Manageable Campaign Evaluation

Workshop presentation on campaign evaluation by Susie Rabin, whilst Campaigning Effectiveness Manager at NCVO. Click here for more information


New Opportunities for Influencing Legislation: Consultations, Petitions, referendums

Workshop presentation on influencing legislation by Edward Andersson, Deputy Director at Involve.
Click here for more information


Trustee guide to campaigning and influencing; what you need to know!

Are you a trustee and want to know more about effective campaigning and influencing? Are you working to influencing change and want a resource to explain effective campaigning to your board?
Click here for more information


Working in Collaboration

Change cannot happen without the active support and cooperation of others. Collaboration of some form therefore lies at the heart of successful campaigning and influencing. This free guide covers the principles of effective collaboration such as deciding on your approach, agreeing a share vision and processes for communication and coordination and indicators to evaluate if you are collaborating effectively.
Click here for more information


Persuasion or pressure? Campaigning and the private sector

It looks at the common power structures and the best routes of influence, and will help you get your mix of tactics right. It’s full of real life examples including the Living Wage campaign (right), Sexism and the City, Tar Sands counting the cost campaign and Trafigura. Click here for more information


How to protest without violence

Watch Howcast’ s short video describing some basic steps to take when planning a protest demonstration or march. Click here for more information

About The Right Ethos

The Right Ethos was set up after our founder, Jonathan Dearth, had worked in the campaigning sector for 13 years, for campaigning organisations including Amnesty International, Shelter, Liberty and the World Development Movement. It was set up as a response to multi-sector recruitment consultancies moving in on the charity sector, and in particular not recognising that people who work for campaigning organisations are motivated by justice and long term change.