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A third of a century later and 200 yards away

In 1990, started getting active and the roots of my career in the non-for-profit and campaigning sector began. I was running the Liberal Democrats group at Exeter University with Jonny Oates. He invited me up to his home in London to work on the next edition of our newsletter and make plans for what we were going to campaign on.

I had barely been to London before and was excited to stay with him as he lived on Fleet Street, as his father was the Rector of St. Bride’s Church. To be honest most of our work was done in the Punch Tavern conveniently located just outside his house.

We both went onto become Liberal Democrat Councillors in the 90s. I worked in the charity sector for organisations including Save the Children, Amnesty, PLAN International and EveryChild. Jonny had a more political career outlined in his excellent book I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

But Jonny has now moved into the non-profit campaigning and advocacy sector and has become the Chief Executive of a new campaign United Against Malnutrition and Hunger

I was delighted to be at the launch this week in Blackfriars – just 33 years and 200 yards away from the Punch Tavern where developing my right ethos all began.

United Against Malnutrition and Hunger (click on this Twitter link) is a cross party campaign. Jonny Oates
is Liberal Democrat Peer, Baroness Sugg, Conservative is the Co-Chair, Kate Dearden is a Labour representative on the Board.

Speakers at the launch included David Cameron and former Foreign Secretary, David Miliband who spoke online.